Hey Everyone. It’s Jessica! I’m a wife & Mommy to my 2 beautiful little divas. My life consists of coffee, whiskey, the occasional dance party in my living room & a fantastic pair of heels. I’m a sucker for trashy reality TV & any cheesy 80’s/early 90’s movie (can we say Spaceballs, Beetlejuice & Coming To America?!). I’m sarcastic, brutally honest & I don’t leave my house without full hair & make up. I have the mouth of a sailor and I love a good tattoo…I am definitely not your typical soccer mom.
On a more serious note, I had really bad (late onset )Post Partum Depression 5 months after my youngest was born. I like to call it my “Baby Rabies” & it’s how this whole blogging things came to be! Writing became my escape, it helped get all my anger & frustration out. It took a long 18 months, but eventually I did find myself again. The experience has completely changed my outlook on many things.
I hope you’ll join me on this exciting adventure known as “Mommyhood” (and surviving life in the 30’s).