
Kids say the darnedest things: Episode 1,427

Me going through Emma’s school folder: Lou, why do you have so much “return to school” work tonight?
Emma: It’s stuff I have to fix
Me: 😳😮
Dave: 😮(she’s our genius child who never makes mistakes)
Me checking the work: Your teacher wrote a note. You need to start showing your work when you do math & stop doing it in your head.
Emma: If the answer is right & it is, then why waste my time showing the work?
Me: 🙄 Emma just cooperate. And why did she send the map you had to make back?
Emma: She told me I need to color it
Me: Seriously? 😒
Emma: Yea no kidding. Is this second grade or art class, Sarah?! (Sarah is her teachers name) What if I choose to live in a world of black & white? This is my brain here.
Me: ok. I need a drink.