We’re not all going to have the same opinions. Or views. Ever.
Our world is in complete chaos right now. Between Covid, race wars, police issues, school vs. homes school. There is a lot going on…and everyone has an opinion.
And I love to see all these different opinions. I find it interesting. Entertaining. Enlightening. And some times ridiculous. But ones opinion is simply that…THEIR opinion and far too many people can’t grasp that. Too many people find issues when others opinions don’t match up with their own. And that’s a problem.
Over the last couple of months I have unfriended so many people on Facebook. And I’ve had a few unfriend me. But I’m fine with it because here’s the thing, I will never tell you your opinion is wrong. I may not agree with it, I may see it differently than you, but if that is how you feel about something, it is what it is. Unless of course you think killing kittens is fun, then I might tell you you’re wrong…or psychotic (but I have a degree that kind of allows me to label you as that).
But seriously. I find it super annoying when someone tries to debate me on my own thoughts and opinions, telling me I’m wrong. And this is ALL I see on social media lately…people just battling it out over and over and over.
Let’s get into a few examples shall we?!
Example numero uno: I personally find it insane to defund the police. I find it even more insane to get rid of police entirely. This was an actual debate in my town…to get rid of the police department entirely and everyone just buys a gun and handles shit themselves. We need police. Plain and simple. Very rarely do I post anything political like this on social media, but this topic I felt warranted it. I had one person go bananas over this. Her main argument was “do you think police should be driving around in a Tesla?” Mmhmm, let that one sink in. Listen, I don’t give a crap what they drive, if they can afford a Tesla, why the hell not?! Is there a police handbook somewhere that tells officers what they can and can’t drive? Maybe he had a sugar mama. Or maybe he has a second job, as I know a lot of officers that do. Or maybe, just maybe, we works his ass off.
Anyway, a legit battle ensued. Not so much with me because I stated my opinions (like I did above) and left it at that. Other people commented and she got ugly and mean. Did I find her opinions to be asinine? Yes, i did (as did many people that day). BUT they were her opinions. And I let her have them, except she just could not let me have mine. I was wrong, no matter what I said. She asked if I would call 911 in an emergency, I said yes…she said I was wrong. She would never trust 911, she would call family instead. Again, her opinion, her life. She unfriended me that day. Along with another girl, a friend of hers, that simply didn’t like my Facebook friends who defended police.
Number 1. I kinda don’t need friends that are that close minded and number 2. I had no idea I was even Facebook friends with either of them. They were super old co-workers of my husbands from a million and a half years ago. So needless to say, I didn’t lose sleep over it.
Another topic: going back to school. It’s a hot topic on every ones mind right now. Will our kids go back? Will it be full time? Will it be remote? Do we want to send them back? Do we want to keep them home? No one knows anything right now. No schools (at least where I am) have stated their plans for the upcoming school year but let me tell you, that doesn’t keep the hens from cluck-cluck-clucking away.
I was interested in peoples opinions so I asked on Facebook if people would consider homeschooling. I got plenty of answers in the comments but then DAMN, I got some private messages as well telling me it would be irresponsible as a mother to home school. It would be irresponsible as a mother to send them. It would be irresponsible as a mother to jump to conclusions right now. It was a question! A simple freaking question! Never once did I state I was going to home school. Never once did I state I couldn’t wait to send them back. But there I was, fending off these rabid mothers one by one. I was told I didn’t care about the teachers safety, only my kids. And yes, in a lot of ways that is true. My children are my main priority; their safety, their well being. While I do feel for all educators, this is their job. We can either hope their administrators work out a plan to keep them safe or offer reasonable alternatives. I said just that to one person and they lost their shit. But here’s the thing, I work in healthcare…during this global pandemic and I can assure you that I too was not always comfortable going to work every day in fear of what I could bring home. The option of a furlough was there. Did I take it? No, because this is my job. This is what I signed up for and my job made sure to keep us all safe. However, if there comes a point where we are no longer safe, I’m out. Plain and simple. But no matter what I said, there was always someone on some side telling me I was wrong.
I won’t even get into all the Covid, mask wearing, social distancing, drama. Because again, while some (most) agree with me, there is always plenty of people willing to tell me I’m wrong because I don’t agree with them. I can’t tell you how many people have tried to convince me this is all a conspiracy theory. That Donald Trump did all this. That Covid is fake.
While I do get a bit of a chuckle out of it, I’m still not going to argue with you and tell you that you’re nuts. But you are, let’s be honest.
There are just some people that argue for pleasure. I have a few on Facebook that never ever pass up the opportunity to debate and argue. Even over stupid shit. And 100% of the time it’s those people that cannot handle being told they are wrong. They can spend all day telling everyone else they are wrong, but they themselves will never be wrong. My favorites are the ones that try and tell me parenting advice but have no children of their own. I once posted a funny meme about kids and one person chimes in telling me that it’s not funny nor is it safe. Bitch please. You don’t even have children…move on. But seriously, who has the time to be a keyboard warrior 24/7? Better yet, WHY do you want to spend so much time being a keyboard warrior? Get a hobby. Take up knitting. Fly a kite. Just do something else.
Honestly, I just don’t get it. I see friendships getting ruined lately because people just can’t understand that “not everyone is created equally.” If we all agreed on the same stuff, felt the same way, thought the same way, life would be hella boring…and also very, very creepy. Like Nicole Kidman in The Stepford Wives creepy.
There is truly nothing else that irks me more. I have to bite my tongue every day when I see people just batting it out over a post. Be like Elsa, people…let it go.
Thanks for listening to my rant. If you don’t like it, I don’t care 🙂